All It Takes is Just a Mutual Effort….

Alfaaz Uninterrupted
4 min readJul 31, 2020

Effort is an under-rated and overlooked factor in our lives. When we see, an effort is required in every aspect of life, whether it be career or relationships or friendships. It is considered one of the key contributors to your success. The more efforts you put, the more are the chances of getting success.

When we look at different aspects of life, we see that relationships are the most complex thing in this world. And do you think love is sufficient to make any relationship work?

We have very high expectations from our relationships but we often forget about the little things that make it special. What if we start putting efforts into our relationships so that it can blossom?

Efforts need not be going out of the way. In fact efforts are the ones which can be seen in little details. Effort is not buying you expensive gifts on your special day, it is when your loved ones stay awake just to wish you or stay with you just to celebrate it with you.

Effort is when they know about your likes and dislikes not because you have told them, but because they have noticed while being with you.

Effort is not going out for a fancy dinner. It is making it together.

Effort is not appreciating your art, it is to share among the people to make it reach to the maximum.

Effort is not chit-chatting for hours, it is just a simple message or call to keep a check on them if they are doing well.

Effort is not just being with someone, it is to be mentally present with the person.

It is just about appreciating little things and appreciating other people’s efforts.

At the end of the day, effort in a relationship shows in all the little things you do for each other.

Happy relationships are those in which people aren’t afraid to say, “I’m sorry,” when they make a mistake. Don’t neglect the little effort it takes to say you’re sorry to your loved ones.

A lack of effort is a serious problem, but putting too much effort into a relationship is just a sign of dragging a relationship. If you are the only one putting efforts into a relationship, it will not be sustained no matter how much you try until and unless they are mutual.

People say that there is no place of ego in a relationship. Both people have to put in equal efforts to make it work.

How would you feel if you are the only person who is trying to have a conversation with another person? Is the other person really too busy to have a conversation with you? I think no person in the world is too busy, it is just about the priorities.

And when you are not a priority, there is no point in putting efforts. I think that relationships are always two-sided. It is a mixed effort of both the people involved in that relationship.

Maybe it is just because of failing to put these efforts, we are losing out on people and relationships. The people whom we used to know them earlier, we now just recognize them.

And as told earlier, you don’t have to go out of your way to maintain the relationships.

Not all relationships demand an equal amount of communication, but if the communication is extremely slanted towards one person, then it may be a one-sided relationship.

Some just require a message saying ‘Hi’ or ‘Good Morning’ or any simple message or spending time with one other while some may demand a higher version of this.

It just requires being there for each other not at the time of need, or problems. Be there for each other to share joy. The way of putting your efforts might be different from the way others put in, it is just putting about putting the efforts.

I was listening to this song and its lyrics go like this ‘Jeda dil to nibhave onnu puche koi na, jeda tod-da-e-dil o yad rehna hai’ I think that this makes sene. The one who puts in effort is not appreciated and the one who does not give their best is forever remembered.

Were we always really like this or have we recently become so ignorant to see the efforts one makes for us?

In this rat race, where everyone is busy chasing their dreams, don’t you think these little efforts can make a huge difference?

