I Need a Help

Alfaaz Uninterrupted
3 min readDec 31, 2022

You must have come across this phrase many times from your friends and how many of you have genuinely replied “Yes, tell me na; I would try to help you in every way possible”.

You remember when we were kids, we used to help our friends without even asking. But as we grew up, we started ignoring these type of messages. Why can that it be?? Is it because in our childhood, our teacher used to say to take care of yourself first. Now, as we are grown ups, has this sentence taken so much toll in our minds that we have started focusing on ourselves and started ignoring others? Or is it because we have been so busy in our lives that we can’t offer a help?

But seriously, what do you do if a message like “I need a help” pops up on your screen?

Pretend that the conversation like this never happened or try every way possible to help them?

Only few of us must be genuinely willing and trying to help them. And many of us must be like why are they asking me for help, or must be like fine, they helped me that day and now it is payback time after which we are done.

But have you ever thought why the person is asking YOU for help despite having so many friends. They might be asking you to help specifically because they have some trust in you that you would help them whether it be, to return a favour or genuinely doing it. Other reason might be that you must have been blessed with such capability which it requires to help them and get them out of that zone.

But have we ever really thought this way? We must have not. We very casually say that “Lemme know if you need any help”. Or “Always there for you” but when someone asks for help, when someone really wants us to be there for them, why we become so busy or ignorant that we can’t be there for them.

We have become so indulged with ourselves that we don’t even look at others.

Honestly, we don’t open a message that reads “I need your help” in the first place. When we can’t open and reply to such a simple message graciously, how can someone expect us to help them.

We never know how our help can affect their lives. And sometimes it is not always that you can help finding the solution, we can simply help someone by being there for them to support them, listen to them and sometimes it’s really all they need.

We forget that what goes around, comes around. We forget that we also could be in a place sometime in life where we might need help and then we are not in a position to seek or get help. We forget that we could also be on the other side of the table seeking help and Karma has a great way of paying you back. And then all we would blame is Duniya kitni matlabi ho gayi hai forgetting that sometime somewhere, you were also a part of this Duniya and when Universe gave you a chance to stand out and come out of this duniya, but then still you chose to be a part of it.

It is just the change of perspective you need and you will see how much blessed you are to have the capability to help others.

Think Once!!!

