
Alfaaz Uninterrupted
4 min readJun 4, 2020


I know what you all must be thinking: LEFTOVER? Seriously, like why would anyone write about that.

We generally relate leftover with food, but look around, and then think if food is all that we can relate this word to. I think now your answer must be NO…..

There are a lot of leftovers we need to think about and talk about.

These may be leftover love, leftover friendships, or any leftovers.

Have you ever imagined, how these leftovers are created? It is when there is no balance. Balance of what? Balance of knowing how much to try. Remember Thanos talking about ‘perfect balance’. However, the imbalance is inevitable, isn’t it?

Raise your hand if you have ever been in a situation where you have given more than 100% — be it in a relationship, love, friendship, or anything where you did not receive that the same amount of affection from them? Or have you heard from anyone saying that they are done, they cannot uphold their relationship?

Okay, Okay……I got it. Now you may all put your hands down.

Do you know what happens when the other person is being offered a leftover? Initially, it may seem all sunshine and roses, but even roses have thorns, RIGHT? So as you go further with it, you will realize that no matter how much you try to keep up the relationship, it will slowly and steadily fade away. And it will fade not because you did not try but because your efforts were not able to create more space in their leftover space.

Now, you must be thinking, not being able to create your space in their leftover space is your fault. Absolutely NO. Sometimes, we try hard enough, and sometimes there is no space left for a space to be created.

Let's give this another angle which could be that there is no space left for a space to be created. There are two people who are so involved with each other and are sufficient in a way that they don’t need anyone else in their lives. But accidentally, a third person which is you come into the picture and becomes friends with them and they become your everything, your priority. You put in your efforts to be with them but you are always a second choice for them. What do you think of this case: Was there any space left to be created? No. It was just the leftover love that was offered to you but not sufficient for you. And then you realize that you have spent yourself to such an extent that the love within you gets exhausted.

CONFUSED? Yeah!!! Me too when I was figuring about this.

When you think you are tired of a relationship, you don’t try, you don’t put in efforts which you were earlier putting. You get so drained with emotions that you don’t even try to leave and start the whole process again and if someone tries to give you the love you deserve, you are in a situation where you cannot afford to reciprocate the same bond because you are hardly left with it. So, understand this, it is a cycle that continues and you will not get to know when you will become a part of this cycle.

And you know what the worst part is that the person does not realize that he/she is offering another person the leftover of himself/herself, which is not a guarantee, will be sufficient for another person.

Talking about sufficiency, do you think we, humans will be ever satisfied with the amount of love we receive? NO right? If our love, our friendship would have been sufficient for others, why there would have been any clashes, fights. Now you may say that it is because of the difference of opinions but there is another angle to it which is most important, it is the need for more, whether it be success or love; we demand more. We can give more to a person, only when we have enough but when we are offering leftovers in the first place, how do you think that we would be able to fulfill the need for more? We cannot. Even leftover food is not edible after a few days and you think leftover friendship or love will serve you throughout your life.

You know when we get stuck in these situations of leftovers; when we start believing that this is IT. This is what we deserve. In such cases, there are three options: leave the situation, change the situation, or accept the situation, and rest is madness. So, before thinking to leave or accept the situation, try to change it if not, then decide if you can accept it otherwise leave it. Do not do this. But, accepting the situation as it is, will not only emotionally drain you but will also make you lose your identity. You will become a person who you never wanted to be. Negativity will overpower your positive thoughts and attitude. A void will be created in your life which will take a lot for you to fill.

So, when you think that this is not sufficient for us or something is not right, gather some courage, get up and walk away. You should learn when to stop giving yourself, learn where to spend, and how much to spend yourself. I know what you all must be thinking now, easier said than done, it is not that simple. Still, I will say that it is up to you, what you want to do among either of the three options.

If you want to leave, go ahead. Initially, you will feel afraid, but soon you feel that breath of fresh air. Don’t let anyone create a leftover in you. Don’t offer leftover to a person who deserves a whole lot of you.

